🇨🇳China, Swiss Relations🇨🇭

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Switzerland is one of the earliest Western Countries to recognize and develop relations with China. The differences between the two do not affect Bilateral Cooperation, and the relationship between the two remains strong and steady.
🇨🇳China, Switzerland🇨🇭

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Bilateral Relations with Switzerland in the past 74 years since the establishment of diplomatic ties have withstood the test of challenges and maintained steady growth, setting a good example in China's relations with Western countries.

Sister Mountains: China EMEI & Swiss RIGI

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Mount Emei, alternatively Mount Omei, is a 3,099-meter-tall mountain in Sichuan Province, China, and is the highest of the Four Sacred Buddhist Mountains of China. Mount Emei sits at the western rim of the Sichuan Basin. and is a Sister Mountain to Rigi, Switzerland.

⭐Interview with Mr. Li Wenfei, Director of Leshan Tourism Bureau⭐

Mr. Li Wenfei, which significance does Mt. Emei have for you?
Mt. Emei is a UNESCO listed world natural and cultural heritage, a key national scenery destination of China. Its resources and culture heritages belong to China and the world. As a manager of Mt. Emei, to be able to contribute to the protection, development and tourism service of Mt. Emei, is a great honour and responsibility.
Which significance does Mt. Rigi have for you?
Mt. Rigi is very beautiful. Its management and marketing are excellent. Through this partnership, I am better able to get to know, to understand Mt. Rigi which greatly broadened my vision and is a great experience.
Did you hear about Mt. Rigi before?
I have to honestly say, before I just heard about the Alps, not Mt. Rigi.
Which economical value does Mt. Emei have for the tourism in Sichuan? Mt. Emei Grand Buddha is a very mature tourist route of Sichuan and is one of the must-visit destination for domestic and overseas tourists to Sichuan. In recent years, Mt. Emei receives 2.5 million tourists annually which ranks the first in the whole province so Mt. Emei is one of pillars of Sichuan tourism economy.
How did the idea to establish a partnership with Mt. Rigi arise?
Up till now, our market development in the European and American area is still very slow. We sincerely hope that through the partnership with Mt. Rigi, we will find an efficient and fast way for marketing in Europe.
Why did you choose Switzerland and especially Mt. Rigi?
Mt. Rigi enjoys great celebrity and influence in Europe and its marketing has great planning and strategy and Rigi railway has shown eagerness in cooperation. We have high confidence in the future of our cooperation.
Mt. Rigi Railways has now established a partnership with the Chi- nese sister mountain Emei in the Province of Sichuan. To what extent do you consider this marketing activity a reasonable one? From our perspective, this is the first such partnership for Mt. Emei with a famous mountain overseas. The benefits largely lie in market promotion, for us, especially the European and American market. It is a new marketing pattern and channel for us.
How do you estimate the partnership between Mt. Rigi and Mt. Emei in general? Since Mt. Emei and Mt. Rigi became sister mountains, we have enhanced ex- changes and communications, our friendship and understanding of each other have been strengthened. More importantly, we have had a variety of cooperation in marketing and it is a very good partnership.
How did the mutual negotiations proceed so far?
So far, the negotiations have been very positive, to the points and efficient.
The exchange of staff and common marketing projects are intended future steps. What do you think about this? About future steps, I hope we could maintain regular exchange of visits and through better understanding (especially each other’s mechanism and methods of marketing), to make more detailed and applicable marketing projects and to review the cooperation regularly so as to be able to make timely adjustment and follow up to ensure the efficiency.
In which ways could this partnership be expanded?
I think mainly to go further in depth and width of our cooperation. About depth, mainly to increase and forward marketing cooperation; in width, is to make use of each other’s promotional channels to introduce Mt. Emei and Mt. Rigi in a wider sphere to make them better known.
Do you consider this strategy as potentially fruitful also for fur- ther business fields other than marketing? If yes, for which ones? Yes I do think there are further fields such as resources protection, management service, cultural development and heritage and there are potentials for more cooperation and exchanges.
Which results do you intend to achieve by investing in this partnership? I very much hope that through the partnership, Swiss and more European countries will get more understanding of the rich cultures and beautiful sceneries of Mt. Emei so as to enhance our marketing in Europe. Of course, I hope, Mt. Rigi will reach its wishes and goals about Chinese marketing.
Do you also make out limits or even threats?
No limits, no threats at all. On the contrary, I think it will enable us to better understand each other’s culture and enhance cooperation in management and marketing and the partnership will keep on getting stronger.
Where shall this partnership possibly lead to in the future (your visions)? Each mountain is well known in its country. I hope through our partnership, Mt. Rigi will become very well known in China while Mt. Emei gets the same fame in Swiss and Europe.

⭐Information CHINA

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China (Chinese: 中国; pinyin: Zhōngguó), officially the People's Republic of China (PRC),[j] is a country in East Asia. With a population exceeding 1.4 billion, it is the world's second-most-populous country. China spans the equivalent of five time zones and borders fourteen countries by land.[k] With an area of nearly 9.6 million square kilometers (3,700,000 sq mi), it is the third-largest country by total land area.

⭐Information SWITZERLAND

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Outrageously Beautiful Switzerland is rather small country, located in the very heart of Europe, a vibrant destination made of stunning diversity: 4 national languages, diverse culture and mentality, religion, food and much more.

INTERNATIONAL Matters Information

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nternational means between or involving different countries. It is facilitated by the Globalization Phenomenon, which increasingly erases the constraints of geography on economic, social and cultural arrangements.

International Consulting and Coaching

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